Friday, November 4, 2011

You Don't Need Jesus

Woke up this morning
And I heard the news
I know the pain of a heartbreak
I don’t have answers 
And neither do you
I know the pain of a heartbreak

This isn’t easy
This isn’t clear
And you don’t need Jesus
Til you’re here
Then confusion and the doubts you had
Up and walk away
They walk away
When a heart breaks

I heard the doctor
But what did he say
I knew I was fine about this time yesterday
I don’t need answers
I just need some peace
I just need someone who could help me get some sleep
Who could help me get some sleep

This isn’t easy
This isn’t clear
And you don’t need Jesus
Til you’re here
Then confusion and the doubts you had
Up and walk away
They walk away
When a heart breaks

This isn’t easy
This isn’t clear
And you don’t need Jesus
Til you’re here
Then confusion and the doubts you had
Up and walk away
They walk away
When a heart breaks

"When a Heart Breaks" Ben Rector

About a month or so ago, I went to a Ben Rector concert at Furman with my d-group. Ben sang a lot of songs that night, this song in particular being one of them. At the time the lyrics "you don't need Jesus" really struck me, but it wasn't until earlier today when I decided to put on some Ben Rector that I sat down to investigate just how and why these lyrics struck me. I think this song describes perfectly such a huge lie that is easy to believe and one that I find myself consistently living out in my life. During bible study with the girls on my hall last night, we discussed building our "house" on Jesus as the rock and leaning on him continuously through all things in life whether good things or hard things. A lot of times when I go through hard things I naturally turn to temporal things that I believe will make me feel better, or people that I think will love me the way I need and make me feel better. But last night when faced with something hard, God blessed me by giving me what I needed through not giving me what I wanted. I called a friend in hopes that something she would say would make everything better and make me feel better. I think I was hoping that she could say something that would confirm that the future held what I wanted. But we didn't get the chance to discuss what I called to talk about. And another friend I asked to talk to was busy. So right off I see that I ran to my friends to be my rock, to be my foundation, to help keep my house from crumbling during this storm. I believe the lie that I don't need Jesus because I don't see my own brokenness and just how much I desperately need him. But God didn't allow me to find what I needed in them. So instead I have continued to pray, express frustration, vent, and pray some more to God. While I'm not sure if He has answered my prayer yet, I know I have to claim that only He is always available when I need Him and only He can keep my house from crumbling during this storm.

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