
"Yes, my soul, find rest in God;
my hope comes from Him.
Truly He is my rock and my salvation;
He is my fortress, I will not be shaken.
My salvation and my honor depend on God;
He is my mighty rock, my refuge.
Trust in Him at all times, you people;
pour out your hearts to Him,
for God is our refuge."
Psalm 62: 5-8

Through God's amazing grace and perfect plans, I came to know a personal relationship with Him my freshman year at a small college in a small town. The Lord has truly blessed my time here, provided amazing friends who have truly taught me and shown me what friendship at its deepest level can look like and the true joy experienced with friends who push you more towards Him; He has truly allowed me to know more of Him through friendship and through community. I graduated from Presbyterian College in May of 2013 and am hoping to serve the Lord in a full time teaching position. One of these days I hope to serve the Lord through long term mission but I'm unsure of what that would look like right now. God has blessed me with so many passions: teaching young children, discipling teen girls, sharing the gospel and seeing all of PC come to serve and love Him. If money was not an issue, I think I would love to open and run a safe home for girls seeking to leave gang life, prostitution, sex trafficking or who just need to be loved.

The purpose of this blog is really to just have an outlet for writing about my life; sharing with you all about what is going on in my life, including my relationship with Jesus, school, my relationships with my friends, my struggles, my joys, and just the day to day occurrences in my life. It may not be that interesting, but I seem to find something to write about.