Well bloggers, it's about that time. Time for these lovely days spent in my pjs, eating holiday cookies, watching SNL on Hulu Plus, gazing lovingly at my new MacBook, and most importantly, not thinking about school, to end.
I do miss all of my first graders and I am excited for all of the things that we have coming up this semester. So here's a sneak peek at what we will be working on these next two weeks in my room and a little bit about what my New Years resolutions are!
We are going to be exploring money these next two weeks and I have been trying to find some fun activities for the kiddos to do. I love everything Amy Lemons does and saw this unit for only $6! We are going to be using the foldable, the match ups, and all sorts of other fun things! My kiddos are going to love all of this cutting and gluing!
Also, I love this new idea floating around for enriching students math vocabulary by creating a math word wall! I am definitely going to do that next year. This year I have simply been talking about the vocabulary and posting it while we talk about it but not keeping it up afterwards. So, check out a sneak peek of my next TpT project over on my new
FB page!
And Lastly,
So, lately I have developed a BAD case of laziness. So, I don't plan what to take for lunch the day before, and I don't check to see what kind of food I have. I simply wake up in the morning and at the last second when I really need to leave I search the kitchen for something, anything, to take for lunch. Not usually a good plan. So, I am hoping to get better at planning out my meals.
I know, I know, isn't this every one's resolution? Last year I decided I was going to try running and I actually started it and was doing well for about a month or so. I was right on the cusp of beginning to enjoy it. What happened? My laziness and my forgetfulness combined meant I would forget to go to the gym or remember and not go. Therefore, habit died. This year, I'm going to try to work out at least once a week. Whether it is running, walking, stretching, or putting on a Jillian Michaels video.
3. PRAY -
In college, I started a prayer journal. I love to write out my prayers to God but there's also so much to be said for praying out loud. I feel self-conscious when I pray out loud and I want to try to utilize that vulnerability. I feel that if I feel vulnerable and open when I am praying to God, then I am truly being honest about my intentions and I will be more thankful.
I struggle so much with pride and that overflows into so many other areas of my life. One is being thankful. I keep up with Ann Voskamp's blog and she has learned so much about being thankful for the small, everyday things. If you haven't read her book, One Thousand Gifts, you should! I keep a thankfulness journal but I haven't written in it since the beginning of the school year. This year, or semester, I want to try to take a step back when I feel frustrated and turn it around to see what I can be thankful for in the situation. I have so many things to be thankful for!
Because of my pride, a desire to be liked, and other things that have happened in my life, I have a tendency to make jokes about people that are sometimes not uplifting. I need to think about my words and my intentions before speaking about or to someone in this way. My words should be encouraging and should point others to know more of Jesus. My words are gift from the Lord for his glory and not my own!
There you have it! Be sure to check out that sneak peak on my new Facebook page and share some love!